Monday, December 22, 2008


con lagrimas hachas y gritos de trueno

hemos horadado la soledad inmovil

y descendido a encontrarnos abajo

en pura tiniebla gris

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Capas del Cielo / Capas de Ti

Como te vas a marcar el paso del tiempo, compa?

por el calendario?-Existen varios
por la fecha de nacimiento?-Todo es chance, y el reloj se equivoca
Aun las estaciones nos enganen, con inviernos calurosos y veranos friolentos en Antarctica…

Entonc te pregunto-
Como nos vamos a marcar el paso del tiempo?
Al cortar el arbol, se revelan sus anillos,
su piel, cada dia el viento y el fuego se lo batio,
hasta que irradio una capa nueva, y el parte se junto con el entero.
y cuando la fruta se brote de la semilla, sabemos entonces que el tiempo ha pasado
que el crecimiento se dio vida, que el alimento no sea lejo’

En tu dia, mi compa, que has cosechado tu?

lagrimas, amistades
un poema, un amor
- sera que aprendiste convivir con el dolor?

Sera tu corazon mas fuerte?
Lo has amasado suficiente para sea mas dulce y resiliente?

Hoy, que marques el tiempo por latidos ansiosos por la verdad
que la mano de tu reloj se anima por la persistencia , y no por la maldad.

Hoy, que cumples un ciclo de aprendizaje, y abres un nuevo
no porque te dice el calendario, pero porque busques otra vez al renacimiento!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

El Apice

al àpice de raìces enredadas estoy

y de la estirpe humana como tù soy yo,

Nuestros cuerpos cifrados son, de nietos todavìa no nacidos

la boca de eva y adàn

y la faz del primer hombre que buscò alimento

para que nacieramos.

del àpice de las raices vivas me volvi

A construir una fènix ofrenda piràmide a Dios

frotarme ampollas nuevas intentarè

para que se rescucitaran los àtomos de siempre

Dia y noche intento descifrar los codigos de mi sangre

buscando en mis manos la fe y las ampollas de los que construyeron Teotihuacàn:

mis huesos, glifos de mèdula de un luchador rendido

que en el fùnebre crepùsculo de su entierro

habìa una luz trèmula de mi presente

la chispa de la luz de nuestro giro incesante

por el eje eterno.

(Y sigamos en busqueda del pasado y del advenimiento.)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

tha Modern Life

This is what I will be doing, come Monday December 8, 2008, for 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week.

This is like telling a man in prison, that if he turns his bed on it's side, he can use it to do pull ups, so don't worry about not being able to go for a run. Though come to think of it, even prisons have gyms.

On Monday I will become an industrialized worker, who performs only 1 task in a system of tasks, rather than being a holistic contributor to all aspects of the goals of my Agency.

I watched a movie last night whose main character was from Greenland, she had grown up in the vast expanses of snow and landscape--her idea of Hell was to be enclosed. I thought about quitting the job I have not yet started. I decided to hold out and see how it actually feels.

Last night I also met someone who has a similar 40-hours-a-week-in-front-of-the-computer job. She said that the first week, her eyes were constantly bloodshot, and every hour her body felt so restless. Now, her eyes have adjusted, and she will sit for 6 hours without even noticing that her rear has gone numb. She's gained 10 pounds. I thought about quitting the job I have not yet started. I decided to hold out and see how it actually feels. Though, I cOuld just brainwash my body through constant torture until it believes this sedentariness is natural, just so I can continue to earn $16 an hour.

Last week, I started to train Capoeira again--the second class, we were in a yoga studio and had to train without shoes, by the end of the hour both my feet had formed huge blood blisters on the bottom from the constant sweeping and pounding. I called my mom, who suggested I wear some special sock-that-isnt-a-sock-----------------------------------but I refuse. If I protect my foot, then it will never go through the toughening process. Ok Mel, but it's going to be painful.
But this pain will lead to strength, if I am ever in a street fight in Rio I'll be able to kick their ass with my capoeira moves without running home to look for my shoes :)

I think about quitting my job. I decide to go ahead with both 40 hours a week of sitting, and 3-5 hours a week of life on Monday will become polarized........there ain't shit I can do about this coming to face with reality???........being ungrateful for a chance to make money in this economy??? up on tha dream (I WON'T GIVE UP! i will print on the weekends.)............????? se. I feel as discombobulated about it all as I do about modernity. I think about people who have to do hard labor over and over, every day, and shit, they aren't making $16 an hour, nor are they going to get an HMO. I get selfish again and think pessimistically that it's going to be like taking an 8 hour flight every day, but at 6 pm i'll still be in rural southern California. Ya, no more, discombobulated. The only thing I know is that come Monday, at 9 a.m, I'll be there.